Future of Digital marketing

 Will Digital Marketing vanish??


It is generally thought that AI coming into the world will make everything vanish from industry and only the machines will work on everything around.
but is it soo?? let's find out..............

Evolution and Basis of digital marketing

Digital marketing came into existence around 1990 when the internet and websites started to boom and people with small businesses also started to build their websites for their customer base so that they could interact with people around the globe and make expansions in their businesses.
The ads shown on the websites are a very good example of digital marketing, not only the ads but there are many factors that are being run on the websites that try to make the business grow strong and wide. Some of them are
  • The keywords that people search more often are chosen
  • The google crawling robots that scan websites for the top listing
  • the eye catchy headlines and headings
  • The PPC (pay per click)  schemes for more organic traffic generation.
The basis of digital marketing is to run ads on google scanned websites so that more traffic can be generated on social media, websites, apps, offline businesses etc.

Vanishing of digital marketing??

The fact cannot be denied that AI is gonna hurt many people in their jobs and work and affect their personal life but it must be always kept in mind that AI might be implemented in work but the presence of mind a human being has or the capabilities that are able to read the sentiments of people and their emotions is basically the thing which needs to be highlighted.
In the field of digital marketing, the AI-Robots are present for a long time and crawl and scan the website to check some potential things such as
  • The content is authentic
  • Keywords used are according to the content
  • no spam redirections 
  • age-restricted content
  • length and quality of the content
Marketing is playing with human emotions to make them feel that small urge to buy or visit the website so that leads can be generated.
AI Robots are far away from this type of advancement and are not nearing any around 20 years 
till then digital marketing will be a human-oriented job which keeps the AI in the backseat and make them do whatever the humans want to.

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See you next time till then this is SAMRAT RAJ SHARMA signing off.
